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The Official Website of Andrew Vachss


by Andrew Vachss

Swedish translation by Ulf Hazelcreek

Also available in Russian (


At this point, the pattern is clear. The election has given these candidates (and more to come) the courage to publicly wallow in their own filth. And their dreams of a country where women are subjugated by law are nearing reality.

I am not suggesting that anyone should base their vote for President on the statements of candidates running within any particular party. Mitt vs. Barack snipes are as pointless as those "liberal" or "conservative" TV shows which pretend to be news programs. A vote for Mitt doesn't mean you endorse the repression of women, just as a vote for Barack doesn't mean you are fighting against it.

This isn't about political parties; it's about the looming danger of living under a theocracy—about a US version of Taliban rule. I am aiming at the elections of individuals who would, if elected, enact laws which are inherently repressive.

These individuals would never have been brave enough to come out from under their rocks unless they believed their statements would increase their chances of winning. They know that anyone disgusted by what they say wasn't going to vote for them anyway. They know some voters will vote the "straight ticket" without looking past the presidential slot on the ballot—party devotees who will never move off that square. They also know that some people will even throw away their vote entirely, either because they are disgusted with both presidential candidates, or because casting a ballot for a no–chance fringe candidate makes them feel good about themselves.

But some people are working very hard to form a deliverable bloc of votes—and that bloc will go to the candidate who reflects their belief–system.

So merely expressing outrage on social media is worthless. On Election Day, maggots like these won't count your facebook "likes," but they will count your votes. If you want to make your voice heard, focus on the races of the individuals whose public statements reveal their true agenda (no matter what they call it). If they aren't running in your state, so what? If there's anything more to "social media" than posturing and posing, now is the time to find out. So reach out... and let's see if we can touch them.

© 1996 Andrew Vachss. All rights reserved.

U.S. lawyer and crime novelist Andrew Vachss is one of the most well known and outspoken fighters against child abuse and violence against children. As a lawyer he accepts only children and youth as clients, because "they don't have a voice of their own in society." Violence against children is also a continuing theme in his crime fiction, where Vachss has gained a worldwide reputation with novels such as Flood, Sacrifice, Shella and others.


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